Create and plan test runs

In the module test execution you can use the button New, at the bottom of the list of test runs, create a new test run. It is also possible to create new test runs with the  rear button Test runs in the main menu. You will then be asked to enter the test run data:

In addition to the short and long description, test runs contain the following specific fields:

Test Type
Here you can specify for which test type the test run will be scheduled and executed. Think of the Unit Test (UT) or the User Acceptance Test (GAT).

Test environment
Here you can specify on which environment the tests in the test run should be performed. For example, on the test environment or on the acceptance environment.

The status field is initially filled with the status Not started. When at a certain moment the execution of the test run will start, the status is automatically changed to Started (see also: Test run status).

Maintain order
Here you can specify whether the order in which the test cases are in the test run should be enforced when executing the test run. If the order is not enforced then all testers can run their test cases simultaneously in the test run. See also: enforce order (yes/no)

Start date and end date
Here you can specify the period during which the test run should be executed. This allows the test coordinator to schedule all test runs and monitor their execution. As long as the start date in a test run is not entered, the test run is not scheduled. This means that the test run is not offered to the testers and the testers in the test run do not receive a mail trigger that they need to run their test(s).

Icon Explanation

The end date of a test run is up to and including that date. The testers of a test run have up toand including the end date to run their tests. For an uncompleted test run with an end date of 1/7/2021, the end date will turn red as of 2/7/2021.

After saving the test run, the other tabs are shown, including the Test Cases tab. Here you can add test cases (and test scenarios) to the test run. See also: Adding test cases.

It is also possible to quickly create new test runs from the Test Design module. More information on that can be found here.