To quickly create new test runs, it is possible to copy existing test runs. The copy function is located in the list of test runs. This works as follows:
- Select the test run to be copied by checking the checkbox for the test run;
- Then click the Copy button at the bottom of the list screen;
- The copied test run is opened and Copy is added to the short description;
- If you immediately click Cancel then the copy is deleted again. When you click Save, the copy is saved.
When a copy is made of a test run then in the copied test runs the test results are cleaned and all statuses are reset:
- The start and end dates of the test run are cleared
- The Actual Result fields in the test steps are cleared
- The relationships to test findings are removed
- The statuses of the test steps are reset to Not Performed
- The statuses of the test cases are reset to Not Started
- The status of the test run is reset to Not Started
The testers behind the test cases in the test run are taken from the test run you are copying. It is also possible when copying a test run to take over the default testers in the test cases in the test run. This is a setting in the customization that can be changed by an administrator. The checkbox Adopt default testers when copying in the Test Run tab needs to be on for this.
When this setting is on then the default testers of the test cases become the testers in the test run again. When a test case does not have a default tester then the tester behind that test case in the test run is cleared.