Change product / requirement

While modifying a test run, it is possible to change the products and requirements to which the test cases in the test run are associated. This can be useful when, for example, the same test case needs to be run for multiple products and/or requirements. An example: for testing printers, two test cases have been created. One for performing a startup check and one for printing a test report. These two test cases must be run for all printers (see figure).

In the test design module in Testersuite , however, it is not possible to link a test case to multiple products and/or requirements. Therefore, in this example, the two test cases are linked to the parent product (see image).

When running test cases in test runs, it is possible to associate a test case with multiple products and/or requirements. To run the two test cases from the example for all printers, both test cases must be added three times to a test run:

All test cases are initially linked to the parent product and can be repositioned to the appropriate products (printers) in the test run. This can be done in the Product / Requirement column using the pencil button:

When the test cases are swapped then both test cases can be run for all printers. So in this way it is possible to use one test case to test multiple products and/or requirements.

When a defect is registered when running a test case it is automatically linked to the product being tested. The defects are thus directly linked to the printers they relate to. This allows the reporting module to monitor the progress of test execution and defects for each printer.