Email triggers

Users are automatically notified by email when it is their turn to run test case(s) in a test run.

For test runs in which the order of the test cases does not have to be maintained(Maintain order = no), all testers in the test run are informed based on the start date of the test run. As long as the start date is empty (the test run is not scheduled) the testers are not informed.

For test runs where the order of the test cases does need to be maintained(Maintain order = yes), the default is that the first tester whose turn it is (the first active tester) is informed based on the test run start date. As long as the start date is empty (the test run is not scheduled), the first tester is not informed. If the first tester has completed his test(s) then a subsequent person (or group) becomes the active tester. This active tester is then automatically informed that it is his turn to run his test(s).

Testers receive an email containing the test run details and the details of the test case(s) to be run. The email contains a hyperlink to the relevant test run in Testersuite.

If you don't want to receive emails (temporarily) related to running tests in test runs you can disable this in the Email Notifications tab in your User Data.

The notifications are sent to your default E-mail address. If you want to forward the mails (temporarily) then an E-mail address can be entered in the Forward to field to do so .

If desired, the email function can be turned off completely in Customizing (only accessible by users with the role Administrator). In the Test Run tab, under Settings, there is a checkbox to turn this feature on or off. You can also set here when the active tester(s) should receive an e-mail. This can be based on the start or end date of the test run. The options for this can be found when you click on the pencil icon: