Test Run defects

You can create defects directly during the execution of a test run. When you click on the Not Ok button behind a test run, the lightbox for creating a new defect opens immediately.

The following information is automatically entered in the defect:

  • Test type - The test type of the test run is adopted
  • Test environment - The test environment of the test run is adopted
  • Status - Will be automatically filled with the first status(New)
  • Reported on - The current date is automatically populated
  • Tester - The user who creates the defect is automatically populated
  • Product / Requirement - Will be automatically populated with the product or requirement that the test case is associated with

Enter the remaining information, add screen shots if necessary, and click Save.

Icon Explanation  If the creation of defects is mandatory, then a defect must be created as a test step on Not OK is set (and the test step does not yet have defects ). Users with the role administrator can set this up in the Customizing. More information is here .

When you have saved the data and close the defect the number of defects is updated behind the test step. You can click on this number to open the defect(s) at the corresponding test step.

If you are not running the test run then you can open the defects behind a test case by clicking on the number in the column defects column. Here you cannot create new defects but you can view, modify and delete existing defects .