Defects procedure

Registering, handling (giving), resolving, retesting and closing defects follows a standard procedure in Testersuite . Priorities and statuses are used to ensure that this procedure runs smoothly. In addition, defects is sent automatically if desired. The following figure shows how this procedure works and which tasks belong to which roles.

  1. A tester creates a new defect (and immediately gives first priority to the defect).
  2. The test coordinator will determine whether, and if so with what priority, the defect should be processed:
    • If the defect is rejected by the test coordinator then it is immediately closed (Status to Rejected).
    • If the defect needs to be processed then the test coordinator will adjust the status to In process and enter a handler (defect will automatically email the handler).
  3. The handler will set the status to Retest after resolving the defect (defect will automatically go by mail to the tester).
  4. The tester performs a retest and determines if the defect has been resolved:
    • If the defect is not resolved, the tester adjusts the status to In Progress ( defect automatically goes by mail to the handler).
    • If the defect is resolved then the tester will close the defect (status Resolved).
  5. The On hold status can be used to temporarily 'park' a defect . For example, because it has been decided that a defect will be resolved at a later stage, after the Test cycle has been completed.

Testersuite By default, has the following priorities for defects:

  1. Urgent - The process is stagnant and there is no work-around (blocking)
  2. High - The process is stagnant but there is a work-around (serious)
  3. Middle - The process does not stagnate (disruptive)
  4. Low - The process does not stagnate (cosmetic)

If your organization wants to deviate from the standard workflow procedure it can be adjusted in the customizing (see: Customizing). Please contact the Testersuite administrator within your organization.