Settings in Testersuite

The following are required on the Testersuite side to set up the link between Azure Devops and Testersuite :

  • A Testersuite Premium subscription
  • An active Testersuite user of the Integration User type.

The Azure DevOps link is very easy to set up. Users within the Testersuite environment who have the role Manager have found the settings under the menu Management→ Integrations → Azure DevOps (tab).

The settings page contains the following fields:

Azure DevOps link settings page
  • Active - Determines whether the integration is on or off.
  • Testersuite Integration user - This user is used to make changes from Azure DevOps into Testersuite. An integration user can be created in the Testersuite admin portal.
  • Azure DevOps environment URL - The URL of the Azure DevOps environment to which you want to connect
  • Azure DevOps Personal Access Token - The Personal Access Token created in Azure DevOps. More information on this can be found on the page Settings in Azure DevOps

When the data is entered, and the connection is successfully established, this is displayed under 'Connection' in a green message.

defect fields
When the connection between Testersuite and Azure DevOps is successfully established, the 'defect fields' button is available. This page may take a while to load due to the data being requested from Azure DevOps.

On this page, you can set up a so-called mapping between Testersuite and Azure DevOps fields for the different processes that exist within the linked Azure DevOps instance. You'll see the following options for this:

The options available on the 'defect fields' page.
  • Process - Since each process in Azure DevOps has its own fields and associated values, set up a mapping for each Azure DevOps process you want to use. Here you choose the Azure DevOps process for which you want to create a mapping.

Note: Only Azure Devops processes of type Agile or Scrum contain the work item type Bug by default. Therefore, these are the only processes for which a mapping can be created.

Under the process field, so-called mapping Testersuite defect fields can be linked to Azure DevOps fields. This ensures that data between these fields can be kept in sync back and forth between the two systems. The following Testersuite fields are currently available for this purpose:

  • Short Description - This field is kept in sync with the Azure DevOps bug field Title by default .
  • Long description - By default, this field is kept in sync with the Azure DevOps bug field Repro Steps
  • Status - This field and its options is mappable to Azure DevOps bug fields of the Picklist type
  • Priority - This field and its options can be mapped to Azure DevOps bug fields of the Picklist type

Once you have connected the Status and Priority field to the desired Azure DevOps fields, the label "Mapping present" appears behind the name of the selected process. When a mapping is present for at least one process, the link can be used.

Once you have completed the settings in Testersuite and the settings in Azure DevOps, you can start using the link by connecting an Test cycle to an Azure DevOps project.