Handling specific use cases

JIRA issue/user story is deleted
When an issue/user story is deleted in JIRA it is checked if there is a Testersuite requirement related to the JIRA issue. If that is the case, the relationship with the JIRA issue is removed in Testersuite . The Testersuite requirement is not removed.

JIRAissue/user story is moved to another project
When in JIRA an issue/user story is moved to another project it is checked if there is a Testersuite requirement related to the JIRA issue. If that is the case then the relationship with the JIRA issue is removed in Testersuite .

JIRAissue/user story gets a different type (e.g. Bug)
When an issue/user story gets a different type in JIRA the relationship with the Testersuite requirement is maintained.

JIRA issue/bug is removed
When an issue/bug is removed in JIRA it is checked if there is a Testersuite defect related to the JIRA issue. If that is the case then Testersuite the relationship with the JIRA issue is removed. The Testersuite defect is not removed.

JIRA issue/bug is moved to another project
When an issue/bug is moved to another project in JIRA it is checked if there is an Testersuite defect related to the JIRA issue. If that is the case then in Testersuite the relationship with the JIRA issue is removed.

JIRAissue/bug gets a different type (e.g. Task)
When an issue/bug gets a different type in JIRA, a check is made to see if there is a mapping present in Testersuite of the relevant type in JIRA with a Testersuite defect type. If a mapping is present then the relationship with the Testersuite defect remains and the type of the Testersuite defect is adjusted according to the mapping present. If there is no mapping for the relevant type then the Testersuite defect is disconnected from the JIRA issue.

defect with relationship to JIRA issue move to other Test cycle
When an
defect that has a relationship to a JIRA issue within Testersuite is moved to another Test cycle it is handled as follows:

  • If the Test cycle in Testersuite to which the defect is moved has a relationship with the JIRA project to which the JIRA issue belongs then the relationship between the Testersuite defect and the JIRA issue is maintained.
  • If the Test cycle in Testersuite to which the defect is moved has no relationship to the JIRA project to which the JIRA issue belongs then the relationship between the Testersuite defect and the JIRA issue is severed.

In the details of a Test cycle , the relationship to a JIRA project can be changed if necessary.