Support and assistance

In case of questions or problems, please contact the Testersuite administrator within your organization. If necessary, the Testersuite administrator can report your question or problem via e-mail to the helpdesk of Testersuite B.V. ( For quick processing, it is important that the following template is used for submitting a report:

Organization: name of the organization using Testersuite
Contact person: the person who reported the question or problem
Phone number: the number at which the contact person can be reached during business hours
Urgent = Testing process is stagnant, there is no work-around, resolve immediately
High = Testing process is stagnant, there is a work-around, solve it as soon as possible
Medium = Testing process is not stagnant, can be solved in the medium term
Low = Test process is not stagnant, can be resolved in the long term
Message: Clear description of your question/problem (think of: steps taken, data used, expected result, actual result etc.)

Preferably include screenshot(s) to clarify an error message or problem.

Only questions/problems notified by your Testersuite administrator will be handled by the helpdesk.

If you do not know who your Testersuite administrator is you can ask the IT department within your organization.