
The defects module records and manages defects by Test cycle . Status, priority, screen shots and link to product or requirement are standard parts of a defect.

Test Run defects
defects can be created directly during the execution of test runs. These are so-called 'testrun defects' (see also: Testrun defects ). The advantage of this is that all context information about the executed test is recorded in the defect . Think of the executed test steps and the test results. This allows developers to resolve defects faster and better.

Separate defects
Of course, it is also possible to create defects directly in the defects module. So not from the test execution module, during the execution of a test case in a test run. These are so-called 'loose defects'.

defects procedure
Registering a defect is the beginning of a path through the solution process within, and sometimes outside, the (project) organization. If this route is not well mapped out in advance, it leads to extra travel time, stranding defects or even getting lost. In Testersuite , the route from registering to resolving and closing an defect follows a set procedure. More information can be found in: defects procedure.

Want to know more about registering defects in Testersuite? Watch our instructional video here.