User data and settings

In the Program Bar, the dropdown below shows the name of the user logged in. Below that is the role that is logged into the current environment.

Clicking on 'Data and settings' will display your user data. The screen that opens allows you to edit the following data: Department, Job, Phone, Email address, and Comments. The remaining data can only be modified by the Testersuite administrator within your organization.

The Save button allows you to save the changes made.

Change Password
Behind the Password field is a Change button. Here you have the option to change your password. A password must meet at least the following requirements:

  • minimum 8 characters
  • at least 1 lower case
  • at least 1 capital letter
  • at least 1 digit

In the Settings tab, you can adjust the settings for automatic mailing. For example, for automatic mailing defects. For how this works, see the Workflow section.

In addition, you can configure here whether you want to receive an automatic mail when you have become the active tester in a test run. The active tester is the one who is due to perform a test in a test run.

You can also set whether you want to receive an email when comments are posted that are relevant to you. For example, when someone adds a comment to a defect that you have subscribed to.

In Testersuite , you can run test runs in two ways. You can choose between simplified view and expanded view. Under Preferences you can set which way of running you prefer. More information can be found here.