defects Transferring to Azure DevOps

defects created in Testersuite can easily be transferred to Azure DevOps as a work item of type Bug. An external IT partner and/or your development team can then handle the defects in Azure DevOps. Thereby, the defects in Testersuite and the corresponding work items in Azure DevOps are continuously kept in sync according to the integration settings. A change in Azure DevOps is immediately implemented in Testersuite and vice versa.

To port defects to Azure DevOps, two conditions must be met:

  1. Integration with Azure DevOps is in place
  2. In the details of the Test cycle , an Azure DevOps project and Area Path is selected. This is the project where the work item is created when a defect is transferred from Testersuite to Azure DevOps

Transfer a defect to Azure DevOps
When these conditions are met then an Azure DevOps action button is displayed in the detail screen of each defect in the Test cycle that can be used to transfer defects to Azure DevOps:

The action button to transfer a defect to Azure DevOps

When you click this button, you will be asked if you want to transfer the defect to Azure DevOps. Choose 'Yes' to transfer the defect . Once a defect is transferred to Azure DevOps, a link to the newly created Azure DevOps work item is displayed in the defect in Testersuite :

The defect shows a link to the newly created Azure Devops work item

The newly created Azure DevOps work item automatically creates a comment line containing a link to the linked Testersuite defect :

From then on, changes in Azure DevOps (for the short and long description, status and priority fields) are immediately reflected in Testersuite and vice versa.

Disconnecting a defect from an Azure DevOps work item
In the following situations, a defect is automatically disconnected from the created Azure Devops work item:

  • The defect is moved in Testersuite to another Test cycle, which is not linked to the same Azure Devops project
  • The work item in Azure DevOps is removed
  • The work item in Azure DevOps is moved to another project in Azure DevOps
  • The work item type in Azure DevOps is changed to a work item type other than 'Bug'