Settings in Azure DevOps

In addition to the settings on the Testersuite side , the following things need to be set on the Azure DevOps side to make linking work both ways:

  1. Creating a Personal Access Token
    Allows work items to be created and modified via the link from Testersuite
  2. Creating web hooks
    Allows changes on the Azure DevOps side to be made to Testersuite

1. Creating a Personal Access Token (PAT)
A PAT is associated with the Azure DevOps user who creates it. This user is then also visible in Azure DevOps as the one making changes to work items via the link. You could choose to create a special API user for this purpose in Azure DevOps (for example, called Testersuite Integration).

After choosing the user, you can create a PAT for the Testersuite/Azure DevOps link in the following way:

  • Log in with the user you want to create a PAT with
  • In the upper right corner of the menu, go to the next option:
  • Create a new PAT, choose an expiration date (after this date you must renew your PAT in Azure DevOps), and give the PAT the permissions to read, write and manage work items:

Save your PAT, and copy it to the appropriate field in the integration settings in Testersuite.

2. Creating web hooks in Azure DevOps project(s)
Web hooks allow changes in Azure DevOps to be made to Testersuite. For each Azure DevOps project you want to use in the integration, you need to create two web hooks in the following way:

  • In the desired Azure Project, go to Project settings -> Service Hooks
  • Click the green '+' at the top of the table to create a new 'Service Hook subscription' of type 'Web hook':

Click "Next.

Web hook 1: Update work items
This web hook sends a signal to Testersuite when a work item in the project is updated. Choose the options below and click Next:

In the next screen, copy the options from the screenshot below.

Use as URL:

Instead of CompanyX, use the domain title of your Testersuite instance. Instead of EnvX, use the ID of the Testersuite environment you want to connect to. An example for the final URL can be found in the screenshot below:

Click 'finish' to save the webhook.

Web hook 2: delete work items
This web hook sends a signal to Testersuite when a work item in the project is deleted. Again, create a service hook of web hook type and click 'Next'. In the next screen, choose the options below and click 'Next':

In the next screen, copy the options from the screenshot below.

Use as URL:

Instead of CompanyX, use the domain title of your Testersuite instance. Instead of EnvX, use the ID of the Testersuite environment you want to connect to. An example for the final URL can be found in the screenshot below:

Click 'finish' to save the webhook.

Once you have completed the settings in Testersuite and the settings in Azure DevOps, you can start using the link. The first step is to connect a Test cycle to an Azure DevOps project.