Test design reports

Four standard reports are available for the Test Design phase in a Test cycle . If desired, you can filter by test type in these reports. For example, do you want to know the progress of designing tests for the User Acceptance Test? Then select this test type in the report.

1. Progress of test scenarios.
This report shows the progress of designing (specifying) test scenarios.

At the top of the report can be filtered by Test Type (Unit Test, System Test, etc.)
Display options: table display only

Example of this report:

2. Progress of test cases per product risk
This report shows the progress of designing (specifying) test cases per product risk. A classification is made based on the risk of the product to which a test case is related in combination with the design status of the test case. When a test case is associated with a requirement then the risk is taken from the product to which the requirement is associated. The report may show a No Product Risk category. Test cases can fall into that category for two reasons:
1. The test case has no relationship to a product (and therefore no product risk)
2. The test case has a relationship with a product but the product has no risk

At the top of the report can be filtered by Test Type (Unit Test, System Test, etc.)
Display options: Bar graph, Table, Progress bars
The bar chart provides an additional option to filter by clicking and unclicking the items in the legend, to the right of the report.

Example of this report:

3. Progress test cases per product/requirement
This report shows the progress of designing (specifying) test cases per product and requirement.

At the top of the report can be filtered by Test Type (Unit Test, System Test, etc.)
Display options: tree view only

Example of this report:

4. Progress of test cases by owner
This report shows the progress of designing (specifying) test cases by owner.

At the top of the report can be filtered by Test Type (Unit Test, System Test, etc.)
Display options: Bar graph, Table, Progress bars

Example of this report: