Release 07/10/2020

In addition to fixing a number of bugs, two nice new features have become available in this release.

Sharing reports with other users
For users with the role Administrator, Master List Administrator or Test Coordinator, it has become possible to make self-created reports available to other users. A field has been added to the settings of a report for this purpose:

When a user shares a report in this way then the report is offered as a standard report in all Test cycles where this user is test manager. In the details of a Test cycle , the test manager of the Test cycle is entered. Other users are offered the report in that Test cycles as follows:

Users with the Administrator role also have the ability to make reports available in all Test cycles. So not only the Test cycles where they themselves are test managers. This can be set in the reports as follows:

Reports shared in this way are offered as standard reports in all Test cycles . Again, an information icon indicates who shared the report.

Relate test run trigger mail to start and/or end date
In Testersuite , a job runs every night to send test runs to start the next day. To do this, it looks at the start date of test runs. In this release it has become possible to set when test runs should be sent to testers. For example, 1 day before the start date, on the start date and 1 day after the end date expires. Administrators can set this in Customizing as follows: