Release 09/09/2020

In addition to fixing a number of bugs, the workflow feature has become available in this release for test cases and test scenarios.

Workflow for test cases and test scenarios.
To manage collaboration between Testersuite users, it is possible to automatically mail tasks. This workflow feature was already available for automatically mailing requirements, defects and test runs (tests to be performed). In this release, this feature has also become available for test cases and test scenarios. This means that it is now possible to mail test cases or test scenarios to users as a result of status changes.

Example: test cases are created to test products in Testersuite . The functional administrators of the products must review the test cases. When a test case is created it is given the status Ready for review. At that point, the test case should be automatically emailed to the functional administrator of the product to which the test case is associated. For this, the following workflow rule can be set in the customizing in Testersuite:

More information on setting workflow rules can be found here.