Release 06/10/2021

In addition to fixing a number of bugs, the following new functionality becomes available in this release:

Mailing new comments
In this release, functionality for emailing new comments has become available. Emailing can be done automatically when new comments are entered to Test cycles, products, requirements, test cases, test scenarios, test runs and defects.

The feature for automatically emailing new comments is disabled by default for all entities. Users with the Administrator role can enable or disable the feature in the customizing per entity (Test cycle, requirement, defect etc.).

In the example above, the function for emailing comments is enabled at defects . This means that all users (or user groups) who have a role in a defect get an email when comments are added to the defect. In the example below, the handler (Peter van Buren) and the tester (Frank van Zanten) get an email when comments are added.

In the Comments tab, suppose the following comment is added by Fred van Drummelen:

Then the handler (Peter van Buren) and tester (Frank van Zanten) receive an email with the new comments.

Users can choose not to receive mail when there are new comments. This can be set in the user settings.

For all components, new comments are emailed to the users (user groups) listed in the Details tab of that component. For example, the administrator of a product, the owner of a test case or the handler of a defect. For test runs, new comments are also emailed to all testers in the Test Cases tab in the test run. In the example below, the testers (Peter van den Berg and Koen van Voren) will also receive an email when there are new comments.