In addition to fixing a number of bugs, the following new features and enhancements become available in this release:
Mapping product/requirement based on Short description
When importing test cases, they can be linked directly to products or requirements in Testersuite. This can be done by including a Product/Requirement column in the import file. In this column, a product ID or requirement ID can be specified for each test case (for example, PRD21 or REQ32). Based on this, the system knows to which products or requirements in Testersuite the imported test cases should be linked.
In this release it has become possible to specify the short description of a product or requirement in the import file instead of the ID of a product or requirement. When the short description in the import file matches the short description of a product or requirement in Testersuite then the imported test case is mapped to that product or requirement. This makes the mapping of products and requirements in the import file to products and requirements in Testersuite much easier.
The same has been implemented for importing defects. If the import file specifies the short descriptions of products or requirements then the imported defects are directly linked to the corresponding products or requirements in Testersuite .
For standard statuses, set whether a status closes the defect
Administrators of an environment can manage the statuses of defects in customizing. In doing so, each status is set whether or not it closes a defect . Previously, this could only be set for custom statuses. As of this release, this can also be set for standard statuses. For example, you can choose not to close a defect when it gets the status Solved. Or to close defect when the status is On Hold.
Test coordinator and Masterlist administrator can unlock test runs
When one or more users execute a test run, the test run is automatically locked to prevent it from being modified during execution. Users with the Administrator role have the ability to manually unlock test runs that are being run so that modification is still possible. As of this release, manually unlocking test runs that are running is also possible for users with the role Test Coordinator or Master List Administrator.