Release 26/01/2022

In addition to fixing a number of bugs, the following new features and enhancements become available in this release:

Taking over product owner as tester of a requirement
When a new requirement is created for a product then it is verified that the product in question has an owner.

When this is the case then the requirement tester is automatically populated with the owner of the product. This is reported to the user.

Automatically populating the tester of a requirement also works when requirements are created with the import function. Normally, the import file has a column of products to which the new requirements should be linked. In step 3 of the import wizard, you can choose to automatically populate the testers of the new requirements with the product owners:

In practice, this can also be useful for importing release notes. In that case, the products in the import file are the parts (modules) of the application for which the release notes are to be imported. When the release notes are imported, a requirement is created for each release note with the part of the application to which it belongs. The tester of the requirement (release note) is automatically populated with the owner of the product (part of the application).

Many organizations choose to rename the Product Owner field in Testersuite to Functional Administrator. This is because the functional administrators are the ones who, for the applications they are responsible for, must check and test the release notes.

Listing JIRA ID at related defects
In Testersuite it is possible to relate defects to each other. In a defect the IDs of related defects are shown. When the JIRA link is used, defects to which a JIRA issue belongs has a JIRA ID. As of this release this is also shown for related defects. Clicking on a JIRA ID opens the related issue in JIRA.


Extending rights for test coordinator and master list administrator
Modifying test cases in testrun is only possible when you yourself (or a group you are in) are the tester of that test case. This does not apply to users with the role administrator. These users can also modify test cases in test runs assigned to others.

As of this release, it is also possible for users with the role test coordinator or master list administrator to modify test cases in test runs assigned to others.

More information on roles and permissions can be found here.