Release 07/11/2024

In addition to the necessary bug fixes and several smaller improvements, this Testersuite release offers the following new features:

Being able to export test cases for Testersuite import
We are regularly asked if it is possible to share test cases between Testersuite environments. This can be done by exporting in one environment and re-importing in the other. To better support this, when exporting test cases you can now also include the formatting in the export. When exporting test cases you now get the following question:

Note that the formatting is exported in the so-called Markdown format. This means that the this does not appear as formatted text in the export file, but this file can then be read as formatted by the Testersuite import.

Authentication via Microsoft Entra for Azure DevOps integration
If your organization uses Microsoft Entra for user management, it is now possible to use our Azure DevOps integration with a Microsoft Entra login. How to set up the Azure DevOps link can be found on this page.