Release 11/07/2024

With this release, the following items have been added/adjusted for Testersuite users.

Wider tree structure
In the context of user-friendliness, we regularly receive requests to set up the so-called tree structure of products and requirements more broadly. This has been done in this release. The tree structure can of course contain a lot of information, and is now much clearer.

The broader design of the tree structure gives you a better overview of the hierarchy of your products and requirements

Of course, every release also fixes necessary bugs. In this release the most important ones are:

  • For exports of test runs, test cases and requirements, an error message could occur when data sets were too large. As of this release, these exports are possible up to 10,000 lines. Larger exports should be split into smaller parts.
  • Fixed a visual bug when displaying the progress of test cases in the overview of test runs.
  • Setting 'do not show calls older than X months' has been removed from TOPdesk integration settings. With the rollout of the latest version of this link, this setting has become obsolete.
  • A bug that caused versions of entities in the master list not to be displayed correctly in some cases has been fixed.