Release 19/09/2024

Also in this release, in addition to the necessary improvements and bug fixes, a number of frequently requested new features have again been added to Testersuite , namely:

Block execution of test run until start date is reached
It often happens that a test run is already executed by testers before the planned start date is reached. Sometimes this is not a problem, but often you want to prevent this as test coordinator for planning reasons, or just to keep the overview. As of this release, you can set per test run whether the test run may be executed before the start date is reached, or not. If the checkbox is off, execution of the test run is blocked until the start date. A new setting for this has been added in customizing. By default, it is off. Of course, this can be changed. All newly created test runs will comply with this setting:

Of course, you can also change this for already existing test runs through mass modify, or in the details tab of the test run:

Add text from email as comments to mail defect /requirement
When you manually send a requirement or defect , it is now possible to save the message of the email as a comment to the corresponding item. This keeps any important information from the email, and keeps the history complete. The option is located in the popup that appears when manually emailing a requirement or defect:

Being able to hide requirements in the product tree
A much requested option for the product tree is being able to turn requirements on and off. That has been realized in this release. Now if only the prodcts should be visible within the tree you can select the option in the new menu next to the tree:

Keeping comments in sync between Testersuite & Azure DevOps
With the previous release, the new Azure DevOps integration was added to Testersuite. As of this release, comments are also kept neatly in sync between the defect in Testersuite, and the work item in Azure DevOps. When a defect is ported from Testersuite to Azure DevOps, and when comments are added to either side, they are neatly synchronized between the two systems.