Detail screens

When you click on a line in a list screen then the detail screen for that item opens. Each detail screen contains the following tabs by default:

In the tree of products and requirements the details are shown in the right part of the screen. By clicking on a product or requirement in the tree, the corresponding details screen is displayed on the right. When the top level in the tree is selected the details screen of the Test cycle is shown on the right.

In addition to the standard tabs, each entity in Testersuite (test case, defect, product etc.) has its own specific tabs.

  • Test cycleParticipants tab
  • Product: tab Test cases and tab defects
  • Requirement: test cases tab and defects
  • Test case: Steps tab
  • Test scenario: test cases tab
  • Test Run: Test Cases tab
  • defect: Test Run tab (only if the defect was created when executing the test run)