Excel export

At the top of each list screen is a download icon that allows you to export the list to Excel. From left to right, the Excel export puts first the visible columns and then the non-visible columns (see also: Setting columns).

When a filter is active in the list screen, only the rows shown in the list screen are exported. The rows in the Excel file are sorted according to the sorting in the list screen at the time of export. (See also: Filtering and sorting)

Icon ExplanationWhen you export the list of test runs to Excel the column becomes Progress divided into four status columns containing the numbers for each status.

In the list of test cases, before exporting the list it is asked whether the steps of the test cases should also be exported. If this question is answered 'no' then the test cases in the list are exported without the corresponding test steps.

In the list of test runs, before exporting the list it is asked whether the test cases and test steps in the test runs should also be exported. If this question is answered 'no' then the test runs in the list are exported without the corresponding test cases and test steps.