About the help documentation

Testersuite works very intuitively because a great deal of care has been taken in its usability. Nevertheless, the need may arise for additional explanation of the overall operation or specific parts of Testersuite. This help documentation meets this need and provides insight into:

  • The general thinking behind Testersuite (the concept);
  • The structure and modules of Testersuite;
  • The operation of the functionality within the Testersuite modules;
  • The general operation of functions such as navigation, sorting, searching, etcetera.

At several places within the help documentation you will find additional background information or explanations of used terms. These places can be recognized by an information symbol: Icon Explanation

Sometimes the help documentation contains information that we want to draw extra attention to or warn you about. This information can be identified by the following symbol: Icon - Attention!

Context help in Testersuite
In addition to this help documentation, the Testersuite application contains explanations of specific functions and fields in several places. These places can be recognized by a Help tooltip icon. When the mouse cursor is placed on this icon then the explanation belonging to the section you are in is displayed.

Support by the Testersuite administrator
If you still have questions after consulting the help documentation you can contact the Testersuite administrator(s) within your organization. He or she is also the first point of contact for:

  • Creating new Testersuite users or modifying the permissions of existing users;
  • Configuring the Testersuite application. For example, modifying or creating input fields;
  • questions related to the design and use of Testersuite within the organization;
  • error messages or malfunctions related to the Testersuite application.

If you do not know who the Testersuite administrator is within your organization, we recommend that you check with the IT department within your organization.