Regression testing (Masterlist)

When changes are made to information systems, unforeseen problems often arise in adjacent system components. These problems are also called regression problems.

To avoid regression problems, a good impact analysis should be performed before implementing a change. The purpose of this analysis is to estimate which system components may be affected by the implementation of the change. Subsequently, it should be tested whether these system components continue to function properly after the implementation of the change. This is also called regression testing.

Regression testing lends itself ideally to the use of tests created and executed in the past. For this reason, test cases and test scenarios created in Test cycles after the completion of a Test cycle should be saved for future use. These are kept in a so-called regression test set.

Testersuite contains a separate module(the Masterlist) where the tests from various Test cycles are stored for future use. In this module, the regression test set is built and maintained. After completion of a Test cycle , the test products, requirements, test cases and test scenarios can be written to the Masterlist. These can then be used again in other Test cycles .

Schematically, this concept can be represented as follows: