Import release notes

To import release notes you need an Excel or CSV file. If the business application vendor does not provide the release notes in this format then this file must be created manually. If the supplier provides the release notes in XML format then manual conversion is not necessary. This is because Excel has a function for importing XML files.

To best support the workflow for testing based on release notes, we recommend the following approach for importing release notes:

  • Make sure that the Test cycle where you are going to import the release notes contains the product tree of the business application that the release notes relate to. Is this product tree already present in the Masterlist? Then retrieve it from the Masterlist in the Test cycle where you will review and test the release notes. Is this product tree not yet present in Testersuite? Then import a product tree first before importing the release notes. If it is not such a long product tree then of course you can also create the products manually in Testersuite instead of importing.

  • Make sure you have an Excel or CSV file with release notes. The column names should be traceable to the names of the Testersuite requirement fields you want to populate.

  • Start the import function in Testersuite. Choose Import requirements, choose the Test cycle where the product tree is located and select the import file with release notes. Then click Next.

  • You go to Step 2 and the import file is displayed. If necessary, check the import file and click Next.

  • You go to step 3 of the import. Here, link the appropriate columns in the import file to the requirement fields in Testersuite.

  • Link the 'Product' field to the column that contains the application parts (application modules). If this column in the import file contains application parts that do not appear as products in the Test cycle in Testersuite you will see an error message on the right. In that case you can choose to have the missing products automatically created in the Test cycle where you are going to import. To do so, check the following checkbox:
  • If your product tree is in order prior to importing, then when importing you can choose to fill the default requirement field 'Assessor' with the 'Owner' of the related product (application item).

  • Do not link the Status field to a column of the import file but choose 'New' status as a fixed value. When you import the release notes with the status 'New', you can set all statuses to 'Review' after importing in the list of requirements with Mass Change. At that point, all reviewers will be notified by mail. They will then receive one combined email containing all requirements that have been assigned Review status.

  • Do not link the Type field to a column of the import file but choose 'Release note' as a fixed value.

  • If applicable, link the 'Note type' field to the release note type column