Testersuite environments

In Testersuite it is possible to create multiple environments. Each environment has its own customization, integrations, masterlist and Test cycles. This is very useful when, for example, there are multiple offices, departments or business units that work with Testersuite and want their own environment with a specific design (customizing). Or when there are different types of Test cycles that require their own design and regression test set (masterlist). For example, an environment for infra Test cycles, an environment for functional Test cycles and an environment for certification projects (ISO, NEN etc).

Users with administrator rights have access to the Administrator portal . In the Administrator portal it is possible to create additional environments.

Managing user accounts is also done in theAdministrator portal. User accounts define the environment(s) to which a user has access and, for each environment, the role (privileges) the user has in that environment.

Working in an environment
The breadcrumb trail indicates the environment a user is in after Home. In the example below, this is the Functional Testing environment.

At the top right of the screen is the environments button. It is identified by the cloud icon. Move the mouse over that button to display the list of environments. The active environment is marked with a  sign. If a user has access to multiple environments they can go to a different environment by clicking on the appropriate environment.

If a user has administrator rights then the link to go to the Administrator portal is shown at the bottom of the environment list.

More info on working in the Administrator portal can be found here.