Manage settings

General Settings

Default language
The default language can be set to Dutch or English. This setting results in the following:

  • The login screen is shown in the default language
  • Automatic mails are sent in the default language
  • For users logging in for the first time, Testersuite is set to the default language

Icon Explanation

Users can change the language they want to work in by default. This can be set in the drop-down menu near the username, at the top right of the screen(Language: EN EN).

Date format
Date fields and columns are displayed in many places in Testersuite . This setting allows you to specify the format in which the date should be displayed (dd/mm/yyyy or yyyy/mm/dd)

Logo login screen
The (company) logo displayed on the login screen can be set here. If the dimensions of the logo do not fit within the login screen it will be made to fit automatically.

Force password change
It is possible to force users to change their password after a certain period of time. This function can be enabled and disabled here. Here you have to set every how many days the password has to be changed. The advice is not to make this period too short because this leads to irritation among users. In addition, in practice, users tend to choose simple passwords and write down passwords if they have to change the password very often. Our advice is to have the password changed no more than twice a year, unless your organization's security policy dictates otherwise.

Automatic logout
Here it can be set after how much idle time a user should be automatically logged out of Testersuite. The advice is not to make this time too short as this leads to irritation of users.

Set IP Whitelist
If users are only allowed to access Testersuite through your corporate network, you can set that up here using an IP whitelist. The question mark icon next to this field contains explanations for setting up the whitelist.

Masterlist read access for the roles Test Coordinator and Tester
By default, users with the role Test Coordinator or Tester do not have access to the Masterlist. It is possible to give users with these roles access to the Masterlist (read-only access). This setting applies to all environments within Testersuite!

SAML Single Sign On

A link to an active directory can be set up in the SAML SSO tab. More information on that can be found here.