Test cycles

All testing activities are housed in Testersuite at Test cycles. These can be Test cycles for large projects but also Test cycles for small system changes that need to be tested.

On the left side in the main menu, the Test cycle you are in is displayed at the top. This is the so-called 'active Test cycle'.

You can activate another Test cycle by selecting it from the drop-down list near this field. In the drop-down list, only the not closed Test cycles are shown. These are the unarchived Test cycles with the status Not Started or Started.

In the breadcrumb trail, at the top of the screen you can also see which Test cycle you are in:

Start a new Test cycle
When you have the proper permissions then you can start new Test cycles . See also: Creating new Test cycle

The test coordinator of a Test cycle is the person who directs and coordinates the Test cycle . He will provide access to the Test cycle to all Testersuite users who must participate in the Test cycle. See also: Participants

Open an existing Test cycle
The list of Test cycles can be accessed via the button Test cycles in the Program Bar. This list contains the Test cycles you have access to (where you are a participant). You can open (and activate) a Test cycle by clicking on the corresponding line. At that point, the overview of the Test cycle is displayed. See: Overview screen Test cycle

Test cycles archive
You can clean up the list of Test cycles by moving Test cycles to the archive. Test cycles can also be retrieved from the archive back to the current list of Test cycles. The exact operation of the archive function is described in the Test cycles archive section.

Test cycles delete
If you have the proper permissions then you can delete an entire Test cycle at once. More information on deleting Test cycles can be found here.