Copy Test cycles

It is possible to start a new Test cycle based on an existing Test cycle. When you copy a Test cycle then all products, requirements, test cases, test scenarios and test runs are copied. The copy function is located at the bottom of the Test cycles list. When you copy a Test cycle it is executed as follows:

Test cycle
The Test cycle gets a new ID. All detail info, participants and attachments will be carried over. The comments line are not copied. The history of the Test cycle is replaced by a new history line: Creation (copy of TST99). Any relationships with JIRA and/or a TOPdesk are removed. The status of the Test cycle is reset to Not Started.

A product retains the same ID. All detail info, relations to test cases, attachments and comment lines are inherited. History is inherited and one history line is added: Copied from Test cycle TST99.

A requirement keeps the same ID. All detail info, relations to test cases, attachments and comment lines are inherited. History is inherited and one history line is added: Copied from Test cycle TST99. Any relationships to JIRA user-stories and/or TOPdesk changes are removed.

Test Cases
A test case retains the same ID. All detail info, test steps (including attachments to the steps), attachments and comment lines are inherited. History is inherited and one history line is added: Copied from Test cycle TST99.

Test scenarios.
A test scenario retains the same ID. All detail info, test case relationships, attachments and comment lines are inherited. History is inherited and one history line is added: Copied from Test cycle TST99.

A test run is given a new ID. All the detail info, the test cases (and test scenarios) in the test run, the testers and the attachments are inherited. The comment line is not inherited. The history of a test run is replaced by a new history line: Creation (copy of RUN99 from Test cycle TST99).

The test cases and test scenarios in a test run keep the same ID. The detail info, test steps and attachments are inherited. The history in the test cases and test scenarios is removed.

All statuses of a test run are reset. The result fields to the test steps are emptied and the attachments to the result fields are deleted.

Depending on the setting in customizing, testers in test runs are either copied along or replaced with the default testers of the test cases. This works the same as copying test runs within Test cycles. More information on this can be found here.

The defects are not copied along when copying a Test cycle.

Icon - Attention!Because copying Test cycles can be a rather heavy load, it is first determined whether the copy can be made immediately. If the Test cycle is too large then a request is made to perform the copying outside office hours.