Test cycles remove

Deleting a Test cycle means removing the Test cycle with all products, requirements, test cases, test scenarios, test runs and defects in the Test cycle . This is only allowed for users with the Administrator or Master List Administrator role because it is a fairly rigorous action. Deleting a Test cycle cannot be reversed. For this reason, it is also not possible to delete multiple Test cycles at the same time.

Removing a Test cycle works as follows:

  1. Select the Test cycle you want to delete by checking the checkbox for the Test cycle ;
  2. Then click the Delete button at the bottom of the list screen;
  3. Confirm that you want to delete the Test cycle ;
  4. The Test cycle will be removed.

Icon - Attention!Avoid having users working in a Test cycle at the time you are going to delete a Test cycle ! In addition, keep in mind that deleting large Test cycles can take quite a long time.