Release 24/09/2020

In addition to fixing a number of bugs, a number of improvements and new functionalities have become available in this release. In addition, extensions have been made to our API.

Mass modifying test cases and defects in the 'tree view'
As of this release, mass modifying test cases and defects is also possible in the 'tree view'. When a product or requirement in the tree is selected, in the tab Test Cases and in the tab defects the mass change function becomes available. The function otherwise works the same as in all other lists in Testersuite where this function is available (look here for more info).

Adjustment function for emailing login details
When creating a new user or changing an existing user, it is possible to email the login information when saving a user. In practice, some administrators found it unclear how to send the login information. In this release, the Save and Send button has been replaced with a checkbox. When a new user is created, the checkbox is on by default. When saving the new user a mail with login information is sent by default. When changing an existing user the checkbox is off by default. To send the login information of an existing user, the checkbox must be deliberately turned on.

Attachments - default tile view instead of list view
When a tab with attachments is opened, initially the list of attachments is shown. Then at the bottom of the tab you can switch between list view and tile view. As of this release, the tab is opened in tile view by default because this view is used most often in practice. When a user subsequently switches to the list view, this is saved in the user's settings. From then on, the list view is shown in that location by default for that user.

Empty dates when copying test run (and Test cycle)
When a test run is copied then in the copied test run the test results are deleted and the statuses are reset to Not started. As of now, the start and end dates in the copied test run are also cleared. The copied test run can then be rescheduled.

When an entire Test cycle is copied then the test runs in the Test cycle are also copied to the new Test cycle. Also in that situation, the start and end dates of the copied test runs are cleared.

Expansion of test case and test scenario mail
In the September 9, 2020 release, the workflow feature has become available for test cases and test scenarios. Based on status changes, test cases and test scenarios can be automatically sent by mail (look here for more info). In this release, the mails that are sent have been expanded. When one test case is sent by mail then the test steps of the test case are included in the mail. When one test scenario is sent by mail then the test cases of the test scenario are sent along with the mail.

API expansion
In addition to a number of bug fixes, the following enhancements have been made to our API:

  • A new endpoint for creating test runs in Testersuite
  • Adding (copying) test cases to test runs
  • Adding attachments to test runs, test run test cases and test run test case test steps
  • Setting test run-tescase states (by setting the test run test case stages)
  • Retrieving test environments from test runs

More information about our API capabilities can be found here.