Manage user accounts

In the main menu of the administrator portal, click Users to open the list of users:

The following activities can be performed here:

  • Create new users and modify or delete existing users
  • Activate or deactivate users (give or withdraw access to Testersuite )
  • Grant or revoke access to environments (see below for more explanation)
  • Email login details to users
  • Make users administrator (and thus grant them access to the Administrator portal)
  • Move users to the archive (and automatically de-activate them) or remove them from the archive
  • Importing users with the import function
  • Report on number of activated users per month ( Testersuite Premium only)

Grant or revoke access to environments
Administrators can grant users access to environments. If a user does not have access to at least one environment, that user will be notified of this when logging in and logging in will not be possible. Unless the user logging in has administrator rights. In that case, the user can log in but will go directly to the Administrator portal after logging in.

When a user is opened then in the tab Environments it can be determined to which environment(s) the user should have access and with which role. More information about the rights (authorizations) that belong to the different roles can be found here.

At the bottom, click Add to add environments. The lightbox for adding environments opens.

Select the environments you want the user to have access to. Optionally, at the bottom, choose a role that the user should be given in the selected environments. Choosing roles can also be done after closing the lightbox. Finally, click Add.

A user must always have a role within an environment. If there are environments for which the user does not yet have a role, this will be reported when saving the user. If a role is filled in for all environments, the user can be saved.

If access to an environment needs to be revoked then this can be done by checking the checkbox for that environment and clicking Delete.

Icon Explanation

It is also possible to give multiple users access to an environment at the same time. More information on that can be found here.